Βίκυ Μακρυγιάννη



Βίκυ Μακρυγιάννη

Διευθύντρια, Τομέας Διεθνών Σχέσεων & Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης - ΣΕΒ (Σύνδεσμος Eπιχειρήσεων και Bιομηχανιών)


Vicky Makrigianni is Director of International Relations & Regional Policy at SEV. She has studied International Relations and Politics in various institutions (LSE, King’s College London, Sciences-Po Paris, Sussex University) and has worked in many Greek organizations, since 2005 (among others: Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Organisation Against Drugs, European Parliament, Institute of Strategic and Development Studies).

Her main task is to help Greek companies increase the number of exporting destinations and their shares in foreign markets. For that, her divison has initiated ExportReady, a comprehensive program for the assistance of Greek exporting companies.

ExportReady has three pillars: ExportReady Master which consists of a series of workshops on specialized export topics, ExportReady Discover which offers strategic intelligence for all sectors of the Greek economy and all foreign target markets and Export Ready Connect, that gives the opportunity to Greek companies to participate in trade missions and business networking in foreign markets.

These services are destined to all sectors and sizes of Greek companies and their success rate is very high. As far as it concerns Regional Policy, Ms. Makrigianni is in charge of initiatives and actions concerning SEV’s regional members. She is responsible for SEV’s relationship with Regional Industrial Associations and for undertaking joint actions, as well as supporting regional businesses on issues that hinder their day-to-day operation and also, facilitating their access to Central Government.

Speakers 2024